Calender October 25, 2021
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Global Rangoli Competition


The Global College International is organizing Global Rangoli Competition for the students of BTTM, BHM, BBA, MBA and A-Levels. The competition is scheduled for Wednesday 3rd November, 17th Kartik 2078 from 9AM to 12PM . We would like to request all the interested students to participate in the competition and explore their art through Rangoli competition.

The theme for the Rangoli Competition for this year is :
1. Happiness and Enlightenment
2. Peace and Harmony
3. Gratitude and Respect

Participants have to design Rangoli on any one of the above given topics and can design any art as per their choice reflecting the Rangoli theme. Some guidelines that students need to go through as participants are:

1. Students must be in a group of 2.
2. Colors (Saptrangi) will be provided by the college in a specific quantity.  
3. All the designing materials such as circles, scales, brushes and so on needed should be managed by the students themselves.
4. There will be a time limitation of maximum 3 hours beginning from 9 AM to 12 PM. 
5. Final Evaluation will be done by visitors (50 percent) and Judges (50  percent).
6. Evaluation criteria are creativity, attractiveness, cleanliness and theme based.
7. Winners (1st, 2nd and 3rd) will receive medals and certificates and all the  participants will receive a gift hamper.

To participate students must register their team names by Friday 29th October, 2021 by clicking [HERE

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