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Tourism Academics

Chapter – Four


4.1. Introduction

It was mountaineering that first opened up Nepal to the outside world. The 800 km stretch of the Nepal Himalaya is the greatest in the world with the world’s 14 highest peaks above 8,000 m, eight of them are in Nepal’s north. Among them Mt. Everest is the world highest and Mt. Kanchenjunga being the world’s third highest peak. After the country was opened for outsiders in 1949 to climbers, the Himalayas of Nepal have become the world’s center for mountaineering activity, drawing thousands of people every to these regions. Mountains of Nepal offer peace, tranquility, and challenge to diverse groups of people, ranging from philosophers to researchers and adventures.

The mountains are open for climbing in all the four climbing seasons: (March-May), summer (June-August), autumn (September-November) and winter (December-February).

The Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation issues permits for the bigger mountains while the Nepal Mountaineering Association issues permits for the smaller trekking peaks between 5587m and 6654 m.

Mountaineering expedition has been the biggest source of revenue for the government of Nepal. The first ascent of the world’s highest peak, Mt. Sagarmatha (Everest) brought worldwide media hype and significant number of tourists to Nepal. The increasing number of expeditions after that historic event brought government interest towards tourism and the economic benefits generated by tourism. Nepal had just opened its border to the outsiders (in 1951), so the government was moving cautiously in opening up mountain regions for mountaineering and related recreational activities in the year 1981, just 122 Himalaya peaks were opened for expedition and by the year 2008, peaks that are allowed for climbing was 326 (poudel,2008). Poudel 2008 states that out of the total mountaineering, 119 (36.5%) are yet to be climbed.

4.2. Mountaineering Regulation

The royalty and the size of the expedition team:

1. More than one team may be permitted to climb Sagarmatha (Mt.Everest) by a separate route each in one season.

2. A Royalty of US$ 50,000 has been fixes for Sagarmatha for a team consisting of seven members. The team may include 5 more members provided it pays extra US$ 10,000 for each additional member.

3. A royalty includes trekking fee of the team members. The team members will be granted a three months visa. Additional, US$ 20,000 will have to be paid by the team willing to scale Mt.Everest by normal south-east ridge route.

4. In all regions including Khumbu, team can have up to 7 members for the minimum royalty, and 5 more members for the additional royalty.

5. The team already permitted to scale Mt.Everest will have to pay US$ 10,000 if it intends to change the ascent route. It will have to pay additional US$ 20,000, if it intends to change the ascent route to normal south East Ridge route.

6. For peaks other than Mt. Everest, the team will have to pay an additional 25% of the royalty in US dollars to change the ascent route.

7. The expedition team must complete all necessary administrative formalities and procedures in order to send back the garbage of the expedition. The ministry of culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation will take necessary monetary deposit from them, which will be refunded after the dispatch of the garbage from Nepal.


There are four mountaineering seasons: spring (March-May), summer (June-August), autumn (September-November) and winter (December-February). A total of 153 Himalayan peaks are open to mountaineers. Climbing permits are issued by the Ministry of Tourism & Civil Aviation (MOTCA) for 135 peaks known as mountaineering peaks, and by the Nepal Mountaineering Association (NMA) for 18 smaller peaks, known as trekking peaks, which range from 5,587 to 6,654 m in altitude.PERMISSION
The following documents have to be sent to MOTCA, Mountaineering Division when applying for a climbing permit: completed application, endorsement of the National Alpine Club, short biographies of all the members of the expedition (with photograph and signature), map and/or photograph of the mountain indicating climbing route and approach route map. Enlistment of the expedition's name does not require any fee and it should not be paid before receiving the permit from the Ministry of Tourism.
Permits to climb the 18 trekking peaks are issued by NMA on "first come first served" basis. It is necessary to appoint a government recognized trekking agency of Nepal as a local liaison for the expedition in Kathmandu. The trekking agency will look after all the requirements during the expedition.

Food and equipment imported for expeditions require an import license and should be custom cleared. Walkie-talkies, Tran receiver sets and other communication equipment are controlled items in Nepal and have to be declared at the customs office at the entry point.

1.3. Equipment’s used for Mountaineering


Double boots, with a hard plastic shell and softer insulating liner, are common footwear on expedition climbs. Some mountaineers choose to climb in ski boots to facilitate a ski descent. The one real requirement for mountaineering footwear, aside from keeping your feet warm and dry, is that they must have rigid or nearly rigid soles to accommodate crampons.


Crampons strap or clip onto your mountaineering boots. Most mountaineering crampons have at least 12 small spikes, properly known as points that point down and forward to provide traction on snow and ice.


What sort of rope you take on your mountaineering adventure depends very much on your own personal style and preferences? Rope diameters typically range anywhere from about 7.6 mm to more than 10 mm, and slender ropes may be used singly or in pairs.

Belay Device

Like rope, which belay device you use will depend on your technique, style and above all personal preference. You’ll find mountaineers climbing with anything from classic figure-8 belay devices and Stitch plates to endless variations on the tube-style ATC. Regardless of which belay device you choose, its essential purpose is the same: Applying friction to the rope to stop a climber’s fall.


The harness is your point of connection to the rope. Mountaineers usually spend less time hanging in their harness than sport or trade climbers, so mountaineering harnesses are usually relatively uncomfortable affairs with as little padding as possible to save weight.

Ice Axe

The typical mountaineering ice axe is shaped roughly like a T. One end of the T’s crossbar is a pointy pick that can be plunged into ice or hard snow. The other end is a flat adze that, in olden days, was used to chop steps into hard-packed snow and ice. The mountaineering ice axe serves a number of purposes, chief among them as an anchor to arrest falls.

Some mountaineers may choose to carry two ice-climbing tools instead of or in addition to a mountaineering ice axe, or a single ice-climbing tool to be paired with the ice axe at need. Ice-climbing tools are small versions of ice axes that have been adapted to suit the task of glacier and waterfall ice climbing.


What protective gear you carry and use will depend on your destination’s land features and conditions, along with your own personality and style. Protective gear used on a mountaineering outing may range from pitons to cams to nuts to snow anchors and ice screws. Climbers usually carry any protection they expect to use actively on a gear sling around the upper body, with the remainder riding in the pack until it’s needed.

Mountaineering Expedition Rules, 2059 (2002)

 Date of publication in Nepal Gazette

2059.1.19 (2 May 2002)


Mountaineering Expedition

(First Amendment) Rules, 2064 2064.4.21 (6 Aug. 2007)

                   In exercising of the powers conferred by Section 56 of the Tourism Act, 2035 (1978), Government of Nepal has made the following Rules.

1. Short title and commencement:

 (1) These Rules may be called the "Mountaineering Expedition Rules, 2059 (2002).

 (2) These Rules shall come into force immediately.

 2. Definition:

 In these Rules, unless the subject or context otherwise requires,

 (a) "Act" means the Tourism Act, 2035 (1978).

(b) "Permit" means the mountaineering expedition permit to be given to the mountaineering expedition team for climbing the mountain pursuant to these Rules.

(c) "Ministry" means the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation.

3. Permit to be taken for the Mountaineering Expedition:

(1) The mountaineering expedition team desire to take permit for the mountaineering expedition, shall submit an application to the Ministry in the format as prescribed in Schedule-1.

(2) Upon receiving an application pursuant to Sub-rule (1), the Ministry may provide permit to the applicant after making necessary inquiry and, if it seems appropriate to provide permit, in the format as prescribed in Schedule- 2 after taking the royalty pursuant to Rule 4.

                          Provided that, permit shall not be provided to the person who is below the age of Sixteen years.

 (3) Notwithstanding anything contained in Sub-rule (2), the preliminary mountaineering expedition permit may be provided to the applicant in a format as prescribed in Schedule-3, if any mountaineering expedition team pays a Five percent royalty amount for the Sagarmatha (Mount Everest) mountain and ten percent royalty amount for other mountains and if it seems appropriate to provide such permit.

 (4) The Ministry shall provide permit as per Sub-rule (2) to the mountaineering expedition team having the preliminary mountaineering expedition permit pursuant to Sub-rule (3) after paying the rest of royalty amount pursuant to Rule 4.

 Provided that, the Ministry shall provide permit to the applicant if the mountaineering expedition team having the preliminary mountaineering expedition permit except to those mountains having the height of less than 7000 meter and the mountain pursuant to Clause (a) and (b) of Sub-rule (1) of Rule 32, desiring for any ∇ alteration or change in its mountaineering expedition team, after Ten days of application.

(5) The mountaineering expedition team, having the permit pursuant to Sub-rule (2) and (4), shall take briefing of the Ministry relating to the mountaineering expedition before departure for the mountaineering expedition.

4. Period and Royalty for the Mountaineering Expedition:

(1) The royalty for the mountaineering expedition team for mountaineering expedition shall be as prescribed in Schedule-4.

(2) The mountaineering expedition team having the preliminary mountaineering expedition permit shall have to pay the rest of the royalty within one year of such permit.

 (3) The preliminary mountaineering expedition permit of any mountaineering expedition team shall be cancelled if the rest of the royalty is not paid within the time frame pursuant to Sub-rule (2).

5. Delaying of Mountaineering Expedition Program and Change of Mountain:

(1) The mountaineering expedition team shall submit an application to the Ministry, before the commencement of the mountaineering expedition programmed including the time frame and programmed of the mountaineering expedition or ascertaining the mountain in a case it wants to change the mountain if any mountaineering expedition team wants to postpone the mountaineering expedition programmed or wants to change the mountain as prescribed in the permit.

(2) The Ministry may provide permit for delaying the programmed up to Two years to that mountaineering expedition team who desires to delay the mountaineering expedition programmed pursuant to Sub-rule (1).

 (3) The Ministry shall provide permit to change the mountain after receiving the extra royalty from the mountaineering expedition team for the change of mountain if additional royalty is needed to such mountain pursuant to Sub-rule (1). Provided that, the royalty amount paid earlier is higher than the changed mountain such a difference amount shall not be returned.

6. Terms and conditions to be fulfilled by a Mountaineering expedition team:

 The mountaineering expedition team which has obtained a mountaineering expedition permit shall comply with the following terms and conditions:

(a) The team shall confine its activities only in the mountain for which a permit has been obtained.

 (b) The team shall not indulge in any activity that may be a contrary to the customs and religious, social or cultural traditions of the local people of that area.

 (c) The team shall set up the various camps in its route to the base camp as far as possible at such place that may be acceptable to the local people or as prescribed by Government of Nepal.

(d) The team shall not carry any arms, ammunition and explosives etc. other than those permitted by Government of Nepal.

(e) The team shall not indulge itself in any activity which is or may be likely to affect adversely to the security and reputation of Nepal.

(f) The team shall not use any means of communication other than those approved for the purpose.

(g) The team shall not damage or destroy any tree, shrub, other forest, heritage or environment existing in the adjoining area or on the route of its mountaineering expedition.

 (h) The team shall submit all the rare and historical objects, which may be found by it during the continuation of mountaineering expedition, to the liaison officer.

(i) The team shall work for non-polluting as prescribed by Government of Nepal.

 (j) The team shall inform daily about the condition and programmed of mountaineering expedition to the liaison officer.

 (k) The Mountaineering expedition team having a permit for the mountaineering expedition of mountain adjoining the international border of Nepal with any other foreign country shall not violate the international border.

7. Approval to import the means of Communication:

Government of Nepal may provide approval, to import Two satellite telephone, Twelve walkie-talkies, Two wireless having the capacity to communicate between the base camp and Kathmandu and wireless having the capacity to communicate between the base camp and nearest police station or the place having the telecom facility for temporary use, in a condition to bring back to home country after the programmed, to the mountaineering expedition team having the permit.

8. Criteria for the designation of Liaison Officer:

His Majesty's Government shall designate liaison officer among the Gazette third class officer or same level of the Royal Nepal Army and Nepal police or Non- Gazette first class or above class officer of the civil service or officer level employee of the institution having the sole authority of His Majesty’s Government as working in the institution of His Majesty's Government at least since last one year, on the following criteria.

 (a) Having basic training related to mountaineering expedition.

(b) Having educational qualification of Bachelor's degree or same level with compulsory        English.

(c) Having submitted the medical report certified by the registered physician of the recognized by His Majesty's Government that one is able to visit the mountain range.

(d) Having the knowledge of language to communicate with the mountaineering expedition team.

 (9). Functions, Duties and Rights of Liaison Officer:

The functions, duties and rights of liaison officer shall be as follows,-

(a) To try to solve problem which may be caused to the Mountaineering expedition team?

(b) To inspect or monitor the weight of load which may be carried out by the worker involved with the Mountaineering expedition team.

(c) To stay in the base camp during the mountaineering expedition programmed.

 (d) To communicate the progress of mountaineering expedition and to inform the message of accident if any happened by the fastest means to the Ministry.

(e) To make efforts not to happen any conflict or dispute keeping in discipline to the headman, mountain guide and worker.

 (f) To try to settle down the conflict or any other undesirable incident between any member of the mountaineering expedition team and local people or headman (Sardar), guide or worker as well as to initiate for necessary action with the help of nearest Police post, District Administration Office or Local Bodies if it is not possible to settle down the case by him/herself.

 (g) To carry out or initiate to carry the necessary work relating to environmental cleanness and garbage management.

(h) To prohibit the team or its members from indulging in any unauthorized mountaineering expedition and to notify such incident to the Ministry immediately.

(i) To send its report to the Ministry as soon as possible in the event of loss of walkie-talkies, wireless sets, and other equipment used by the mountaineering expedition team or in the event of death or disabilities cause to a member of the mountaineering expedition team, headman, guide, or worker due to an accident or in the event of commission or likely to commission any serious crime.

(j) To conduct as an interpreter for the member of the mountaineering expedition team and other person with them.

 (k) To advise the leader of the mountaineering expedition team about the selection of place for mountaineering camp.

 (l) To send the list of the worker and other person involved in the mountaineering expedition team after certifying by the leader.

(m) To receive the rare and historical objects which may be found by the mountaineering expedition team and handover safely in the place as prescribed by Government of Nepal.

 (n) To function as per the instruction of the Ministry.

10. Facility to be provided to the Liaison Officer:

The facility to be given to the liaison officer by the mountaineering expedition team shall be as prescribed in Schedule-5.

11. Facility may be returned:

The Ministry may cancel travel order and may cause to return the facilities received as per these Rules by the liaison officer, if he/she does not accompany with the mountaineering expedition team.

12. Not to Discourage:

The mountaineering expedition team and institution arranging of mountaineering expedition shall not discourage the liaison officer to go with the mountaineering expedition team.

13. Functions and duties of a Headman:

The functions and duties of a headman shall be as follows,-

(a) To work coordinating with the liaison officer.

(b) To work in the collective interest of mountain guide, high altitude worker, base camp worker and local worker.

(c) To protect from any damage or loss of commodity of the mountaineering expedition team by the negligence of the worker.

(d) To render necessary advice to the members of the mountaineering expedition team to climb in a safe and easy manner.

(e) To manage to supply (transport) the food and equipment to the camp in appropriate time.

(f) To help to rescue the liaison officer, any member of the mountaineering expedition team, mountain guide or high altitude worker, base camp worker or local worker if they have to face any problem.

(g) To carry or cause to carry out the necessary work relating to environment cleanness or garbage management as prescribed by these Rules and as determined by the Ministry.

(h) To function as instructed by the Ministry or liaison officer.

14. Qualification and standard of the Headman may specify:

Government of Nepal may specify the qualification and standard of the headman by a Notification published in the Nepal Gazette.

15. Functions and Duties of a Mountain Guide:

The functions and duties of a mountain guide shall be as follows,-

(a) To work coordinating with the headman.

(b) To make necessary arrangement not to happen any damage or loss of the equipment of the team due to the negligence of the workers.

 (c) To guide the mountaineering expedition team to climb only through the approved route.

(d) To establish contact with the liaison officer and to work in accordance with his/her order in a case if it is necessary to change the routes of the mountaineering expedition due to any reason above the base camp.

 (e) To render necessary advice to the headman, or any member of the team in relation to safe and easy climbing.

 (f) To help to rescue the liaison officer, any member of the mountaineering expedition team, headman, high altitude worker, base camp worker or local worker if they have to face any problem.

 (g) To bring back the garbage that came out above the base camp while using any commodity to the base camp compulsorily.

(h) To function as instructed by the Ministry, liaison officer and headman.

16. Facilities to be provided to Headman, Mountain Guide, High Altitude worker, Base camp worker and Local worker:

The facilities to be given by the mountaineering expedition team to headman, mountain guide, high altitude worker, base camp worker and local worker shall be as prescribed in Schedule - 6.

17. Submission of Will:

 Liaison officer, headman, mountain guide, high altitude worker and base camp worker shall have to prepare three copies of the will in the format as prescribed in Schedule-7 prior to their departure for mountaineering expedition and shall submit one copy each to the agency or office of their employment, Mountaineering Association and Ministry.

18. To have a Contract:

The mountaineering expedition team or the institution arranging for the mountaineering expedition shall enter into a 11 contract with headman, mountain guide, high altitude worker and base camp worker before engaging them in the work pursuant to Schedule - 8.

19. Provision relating to personal accident insurance and compensation:

(1) The mountaineering expedition team shall insure, from the insurance company as recognized by Government of Nepal, of the liaison officer, headman, mountain guide, high altitude worker and base camp worker of their personal accident not less than following amount so as to cover the duration from the date of departure for mountaineering expedition until the date of return after completion of the mountaineering expedition,-

 (a) For liaison officer - Six Hundred Thousand Rupees

 (b) For headman and - Five Hundred Thousand mountain guide Rupees

(c) For the high altitude worker - Four Hundred Thousand Rupees

(d) For the base camp worker - Three Hundred and Fifty Thousand Rupees

(2) The mountaineering expedition team shall insure the local worker not less than Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Rupees pursuant to Sub-rule (1).

(3) The responsibility to make available the insurance or compensation amount pursuant to Sub-rule (1) and (2) and Sub-section (2) and (3) of section 25 of the Act to the concerned person or his/her successor shall lie on the concerned mountaineering expedition team or on such institution arranging the mountaineering expedition.

(4) The mountaineering expedition team or insurance company shall deposit the insurance or compensation amount at the Ministry if the person found minor to receive the amount pursuant to Sub-rule (1) and (2) and Sub-section (2) and (3) of Section 25 of the Act and the Ministry shall make appropriate management of his/her care until he /she become adult.

(5) The Mountaineering expedition team shall make medical insurance, from the insurance company recognized by Government of Nepal, of the liaison officer, headman, mountain guide, high altitude worker, base camp worker and local worker for their minor injuries in an accident.

20. Insurance shall be made for Emergency Rescue:

The mountaineering expedition team shall make insurance for the purpose of Section 29 of the Act, from an insurance company recognized by Government of Nepal of the amount as prescribed by the Ministry.

 21. Opportunity to be provided for Climbing: The mountaineering expedition team shall provide an opportunity to reach the concerned mountain peak to the headman, mountain guide, and high altitude worker if they are accompanied with the mountaineering expedition team up to the last camp.

22. Weight of the Load:

(1) The mountaineering expedition team shall not allow any local worker to carry a load of more than Thirty Kilogram.

(2) The Mountaineering expedition team shall not allow to carry a load to a worker climbing high altitude not exceeding the following weight in the following altitude:-

(a) For the altitude from 5000 to 6000 meters - Twenty Kilogram

(b) For the altitude from 6001 to 7000 meters - Seventeen Kilogram

 (c) For the altitude from 7001 to 8000 meters - Fourteen Kilogram

(d) For the altitude of more than 8000 meters -Twelve Kilogram

(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in Sub-rule (1) and (2), it may be allowed to carry unto extra Five Kilogram weight upon mutual consent among liaison officer, leader of the mountaineering expedition team and the worker in a special situation.

23. Liabilities and Responsibilities of the Leader of the Mountaineering expedition team:

The liabilities and responsibilities of the leader of the mountaineering expedition team shall be as follows,-

(a) To make arrangement of good fooding and lodging for the liaison officer, headman, mountain guide, high altitude worker, base camp worker and local worker.

(b) To make payment of any dues or compensation to be paid under these Rules.

 (c) To manage garbage produced in the caravan route, base camp and above the base camp as per these Rules.

(d) To carry or cause to carry out as per the instruction of the Ministry and liaison officer and the terms as specified by these Rules.

 24. Broadcasting of News Relating to Mountaineering Expedition:

 The mountaineering expedition team shall provide all the news relating to mountaineering expedition through the liaison officer to the Government of Nepal.

25. Restriction on Sale of the  Commodity:

 The mountaineering expedition team shall neither sell nor transfer the ownership of the commodity without the approval of Government of Nepal which was imported under these Rules or any prevailing law upon getting exemption on custom duties.

26. Amount shall be deposited:

(1) The mountaineering expedition team shall deposit the amount pursuant to Schedule-9 to the Ministry for the garbage management before the briefing related to mountaineering expedition pursuant to Sub-rule (5) of Rule 3.

 (2) The amount as deposited pursuant to Sub-rule (1) shall be returned only after the submission of evidence of garbage management as per these Rules.

 27. Classification and Management of Garbage:

 (1) The garbage shall be classified, for the purpose of garbage management used by the mountaineering expedition team as follows,-

(a) Garbage which can be destroyed

 (b) Garbage which can be recycled

 (c) Garbage which is to be re-imported

 (2) The materials to be considered the garbage pursuant to Sub rule (1) shall be as prescribed in Schedule-10.

(3) The mountaineering expedition team shall destroy or dig and cover the garbage pursuant to Clause (a) of Sub-rule (1) in such a way that it would not adversely affect the public place in front of the institution or body if such institution or body has been prescribed by Government of Nepal to manage the garbage in the particular area or if such institution or body has not been prescribed the same shall be done in front of the liaison officer or representative of the concerned local body and if such liaison officer or representative of the local body is not available it shall be done in front of the headman.

(4) The mountaineering expedition team shall bring the garbage pursuant to Clause (b) of Sub-rule (1) in Kathmandu and shall hand over it to the institution or body as prescribed by Government of Nepal.

(5) The mountaineering expedition team shall take out the garbage pursuant to Clause (c) of Sub-rule (1) to his/her own country. 

 27A.To manages the dead body of Liaison Officer of the Mountaineering Expedition Team or other person:

 (1) If a liaison officer, member of the mountaineering expedition team, Sardar, Mountain guide, high altitude worker base-camp worker or local worker dies the concerned leader of the expedition team shall transfer and manage such body lower altitude than base camp in such a way that it shall not go into the glacier (Himnadi).

 (2) If the leader of the mountaineering expedition team dies, the member of the mountaineering expedition team and if the single member of the one member mountaineering expedition dies or all the members of the mountaineering expedition team dies, the institution managing the concerned mountaineering expedition shall transfer and manage such body lower altitude than base camp in such a way that it shall not go to the glacier.

(3) If member of the mountaineering expedition team or worker or other person related to mountaineering expedition dies due to crevasse, buried in avalanche (snow slide) or any other cause (reason) and the situation (location) of the body is uncertain, the institution managing the concerned mountaineering expedition or mountaineering expedition team, liaison officer and other person involved in search and rescue shall submit the report accordingly.

(4) If the application is received pursuant to Sub-rule (3), the Ministry shall issue an order to transfer and manage to the lower altitude than the base camp in such a way that it shall not go to the glacier. When recovered not glacier and shall carry out (Kabuliayat) with such situation for the same.

 (5) It shall be the duty of concerned institution managing the mountaineering expedition to abide by the conditions mentioned in an order or as provided by the Ministry pursuant to Sub-section (4).

(6) If the report received pursuant to Sub-section (3) is proved false, the Ministry shall write to take an action as per prevailing law to the concerned institution, mountaineering expedition team, liaison officer and the involved in the search and rescue and to an civil employee as per the prevailing laws relating to condition of service. Provided that, the employee under the Ministry shall be taken an action by itself.

 (7) The Ministry may make necessary provision of regarding the dead body of the member of the expedition team or other person before the commencement of these Rules.

28. To be returned in the Base Camp:

(1) The mountaineering expedition team shall return in the base camp within the following time frame from the date of departure from Kathmandu for mountaineering expedition,-

 (a) Seventy Five days for the mountain having more than 8,000 meter height,

 (b) Sixty days for the 7000 to 8000 meter Height Mountain,

(c) Forty-Five days for less than 7000 meter Height Mountain.

 (2) Notwithstanding anything contained in Sub-rule (1) not more than Fifteen days may be added on the request of the concerned mountaineering expedition team other than the Khumbu, Annapurna and Manaslu Himalayan Range mountains.

29. Instruction may be given:

 The liaison officer may give necessary instruction to the member of the mountaineering expedition team, headman, worker concerned with mountaineering expedition programmed under the Act, these Rules, other prevailing laws and instruction of the Ministry and it shall be the duty of the member of the mountaineering expedition team, headman and worker of the mountaineering expedition to abide by such instruction.

30. Report shall be submitted:

 Liaison Officer shall submit a report relating to mountaineering expedition before the Ministry within Fifteen days of the expiry of the mountaineering expedition programmed in a format as prescribed in Schedule-11.

31. Report, Book, Picture etc. relating to Mountaineering Expedition shall be submitted:

(1) the leader of the mountaineering expedition team shall submit a report relating to mountaineering in a format as prescribed in Schedule-12 before the Ministry at the time of debriefing in person before departure from Nepal.

(2) The leader of mountaineering expedition team shall submit a detailed photographic report with a map of the route of the mountaineering expedition either in English or in Nepali language to the Ministry within Five months of completion of the mountaineering expedition.

(3) The mountaineering expedition team while presenting the report with photographs under Sub-rule (2) shall enclose the at least a copy of photograph of each of the concerned mountain pick taken from the climbing route, photographs taken from base camp and other camps and if the team member has taken photograph from the pick such photograph to the Ministry.

(4) If, any mountaineering expedition team publish a book or booklet relating to such mountaineering expedition after completion of the mountaineering expedition, the team shall send Two copies of such book or booklets to the Ministry.

(5) If, any mountaineering expedition team makes documentary film relating to its mountaineering expedition, the team shall submit One copy of such film to the Ministry.

 32. Royalty may be exempted:

Notwithstanding anything contained in these Rules, Government of Nepal may exempt full or partial royalty (Salami) of the mountaineering expedition team under these Rules by a Notification published in the Nepal Gazette to Nepalese mountaineering expedition team, Nepalese member joined in the foreign expedition team or any Mountaineering Expedition Team to climb the following mountains,-

(a) Mountain in Low pressure which is climbed by less than three mountaineering expedition team in one fiscal year.

 (b) Mountain situated in Midwest and Far western Development Region.

(c) Mountain which is technically easy and can be climbed in a short span of time.

 (d) Specific mountain which is prescribed by the Government of Nepal.

 (e) Any other mountain which is to be climbed between 15 Jestha to 15 Bhadra (about June to August) and 1st Poush to Falgun 15 (about Mid December to February.)

33. Certificate to be provided:

The Ministry shall provide a certificate of mountaineering expedition to the mountaineering expedition team and the member of such team for successful mountaineering expedition in a format as prescribed in Schedule-13.

 34. Authority to impose Penalty:

The Secretary of the Ministry shall be the Authority entitled to punish for the purpose of Sub-section (7) of Section 38 of the Act.

 35. Printing and Using in English Language:

The form and certificate under these Rules may be printed or used in English Language as per necessity.

36. Alteration or change in the Schedule:

Government of Nepal may make alteration or change in the Schedule of these Rules as per necessity by a Notification published in the Nepal Gazette.

37. Repeal and saving:

(1) The Mountaineering Expedition Rules, 2036 (1979) has been repealed.

(2) The functions done and activities performed pursuant to the Mountaineering Expedition Rules, 2036 (1979) shall be considered as to have been done or performed per these Rules. Schedule –1 (Relating to Sub-rule (1) of Rule

(3) Application to be submitted to get permit for mountaineering expedition To, The Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation, I hereby submit an application for permit including following details with a desire to climb the ……….. Mountain, having height

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