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GCI Resources and Facilities for BTTM


GCI operates BTTM  program in the spacious campus buildings having the interiors enriched with the plentiful facilities of smart technology enhanced classrooms, study lobbies, research centers, student centers, leadership studios, library along with e-library resources,   admin sections, exam halls, activity and cultural halls, cafeteria and more…

 The college premises are attired with ‘A’ class furnishing venues that support the curricular as well as extracurricular activities, outreach programs to happen in the congenial and conducive learning environment. All the inside campuses and sections of college are technology installed, functioning with the support of multimedia systems and smart services availed to students for in-campuses skills focused activities. 


GCI academic campuses are modern with high-tech infrastructures accessed virtually with the IT systems connected to knowledge resources with global thought supported by dedicated internet and WIFI having high capacity band. Students can choose to study the knowledge references in the library halls from the first morning hours to late evening or can enjoy surfing the internet for electronic sources sitting in the study lobbies and/or activity venues set within and around the building campuses. The campus premises have enough spaces installed of the accessories that help the students to practice different types of sports in addition to organizing a number of skills focused activities and events. 


The BHM classroom practices are operated in the classrooms designed with the etiquettes and technology support systems that are appealing and smart in function. The classroom interiors are designed in consistent with academically facilitative features. Each classroom set-up of GCI for BTTM is installed with multimedia, intra-nets, and 24 hours dedicated internet and WIFI services all equipped with amiable and workable resources. The other inside sections adjoined with the classrooms of GCI entail these main facility centers e.g. library, labs, offices, seminar halls, sitting lobbies and cabins all connected with the digital resources.  The interior furnishing of the classrooms and other sections is of benchmark quality both in function and appearance.


 GCI has in place an inbuilt Global Barista annexed with the hotel management lab of the college.  The hotel management lab is located at the center of academic campus surrounded by the bulk and advance kitchens on either sides. It is a spacious location for full house practice of hotel training where Global Barista is adjoined with the coffee making and service training equipment, utensils and devices arranged in the harmony to make a perfect view in operation where the BTTM students practice their regular practical courses mentored by highly professional experts appointed from the Barista profession. 

Global Barista Center provides BTTM students together with other programs training on coffee making in the subsidized pay scheme along with other food production trainings.  


Along with the networked and online knowledge resources supported by e-library and learning management system (LMS), GCI has a spacious library stocked with plentiful volumes of course books, magazines, references, research journals, and papers. In addition, the library of GCI subscribes the international data-bases that include Harvard Business Review, Business Week, and other academic journals and magazines in both soft and hard copy. Besides, there are the separate student sections installed with the desktops where students can stay from morning first hours to late evening for study and research works that they are required to take up for completing different types of projects mandated in the BTTM course of study. 


The academic program of BTTM operates fully supported by the IT system. For smart connection of academic system of this program with the IT, the college has developed a computer lab installed with high speed desktop computers and laptops fully connected with 24 hours dedicated internet and WIFI services. The computer lab is further enhanced with the digital and online services that are dedicated to operate the college MIS, LMS, Virtual Class helping the daily activities and academic administrations to shape in the learning practicalities. As a matter of fact, the computer lab of GCI is highly equipped with smart functioning computers and multimedia also lending an unlimited access to internet services that connect the academic system of BTTM program with the high-tech quality. The computer lab also entails the accessories that include interactive digital smartboards, surveillance cameras, projectors, printers and scanners.    


The college has annexed an open and spacious cafeteria where the GCI students, faculty members, staff, and guest visitors are availed of the standard food items served in the regularity of menu for breakfast, snacks and also the main courses of lunch. The visitors of cafeteria are served a variety of local as well as continental dishes at reasonable cost following menu scheme and also on order.  

 GCI Incubation Centers

 GCI has in place a center of learning and professional incubation annexed with the professional training centers and other management practice venues. The incubation centers are located within the central academic campus surrounded by student club and social work platforms where the BTTM scholars together with the other respective programs practice to be trained of a repertoire of skills relating to tourism sector industries. The incubation center lends space for different internal sections where the students are deputed to practice business simulations, design thinking, case analyses along with hospitality, travel and tourism incubation practices that the BTTM students are exposed as additional courses for value addition. The student activity centers are availed with the abundance of accessories, equipment, and other smart technology devices are arranged in the perfect harmony that make a view of GCI as a business school in real sense. The incubation centers of GCI are operated for conduction training courses fully mentored by highly professional experts GCI has appointed from diverse fields of business management.  The main incubation centers of GCI that nurture BTTM students along with the others are as depicted subsequently.    

GCI Travel and Tourism Center

Considering it integral for learning through practice for skills in tune with the theories of tourism studies, GCI has founded an in-house Global International Travel and Tourism Incubation and Operating Center and its annexure outside in the market center on professional schemes.  The center is annexed adjoined to the BHM lab and is operated to involve the BTTM scholars in the apprenticed practices and training relating to the diverse areas and service components of tourism and travel business industry.

The center is headed by expert faculty member appointed to mentor the students and manage the sectorial training and service intents of it on professional basis. Once the students are apprenticed from this in-house incubation center, they are then eligible to join the GCI T& T operated professionally in the market centers for service tourism businesses.  These are the main areas and skills GCI T&T mentors the BTTM students for practical and apprenticed learning.

  1. Guest briefing
  2. Cargo handling
  3. Tour packaging
  4. Flight scheduling
  5. Travel consulting
  6. Travel management
  7. Itinerary preparation
  8. Internship placement
  9. Hotel and travel reservation,
  10. International and domestic ticketing & etc.


Research at GCI is a core part of study for BTTM program. This core activity is managed under the direct mentorship provided to each student by GCI Research Center. It is a platform where the students embark upon academic and also professional research projects fully guided and supervised by the research expert and senior faculty members. The center is governed under the patronization of the college academic heads representing the research management committee. BTTM students in their final semester, are trained of various research related skills that generally include writing proposals, conducting market research, storing data, analyzing data, writing report etc. that bear significance in promoting the academic knowledge with learning as a scientific skill through research.


Entrepreneur skill is a primary focus of GCI and it is equally to other programs or even more important component in case of graduates who shall be outgoing with the degree of BTTM. Within its objective to foster students with entrepreneur skills, GCI has endorsed the entrepreneur incubation center. The center under the everyday direction of directorate heads organizes different business incubation and start-up training programs. The students of BTTM along with the other programs are also exposed to culinary art training, barista training along with many more that are featured with the tourism business. The sessions on entrepreneurship learning are facilitated by the successful entrepreneurs who are well known in their field of hospitality both at the national and international level. The entrepreneur center of GCI also organizes entrepreneurial talk programs, workshops and presentations as some eminent events for BTTM.


GCI puts special emphasis upon creation of knowledge which leads to creating skilled management personnel and professionals who should make a difference in hospitality businesses by being exposed to active market trends and also practical corporate awareness. With special emphasis on soft skills, team work, leadership skills etc., the Knowledge Center mentored by the full time faculty experts extends support to our students of BTTM together with other programs learning academic skills that in general include writing skills, book reviews, workshops, seminars, bulletin-publication, as well as an exposure to extra-curricula that include presentations, extempore, debate, public speaking and more…as some remarkable knowledge-oriented activities.  


Established with a sole objective to connect students from curricula to corporate in the tourism and hospitality sector for practical internship course works and also placement opportunities, GCI has deputed a career incubation center headed by a committee of the experts also appointed as the fulltime faculty deputed to mentor the BTTM students together with other programs and link them with the job market. The center functions in coordination with the Center for Professional Development (CPD). It mobilizes students for learning, career enhancement training and promotion and at the same linking them with the hospitality industries for internship that is facilitated for about the time of two semesters. The incubation center on one hand involves students for the participation in academic and extracurricular events of the college, career training workshops and programs in order to drool them to pursue career opportunities beyond their theoretical course-ware. The GCI student centers include; entrepreneur studio, knowledge center, quality circle and these function under the facilitation of GCI incubation CPD. GCI has developed institutional collaborations with the given placement partners along with the universities of national and international repute.

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