Sushant Marasini
Calender June 8, 2022
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First International Seminar on Role of MSMEs


We are glad to invite the scholarly circles from global settings to attend and get the best out of the first International Seminar on Role of MSMEs in Achieving the SDGs in the Developing Countries organized online (Virtual Mode via Zoom) by Universitas Trisakti-Jakarta, Indonesia, Sri Venkateshwara University-Tirupati, India, Sunway University-Malaysia, Global College International/ Global College of Management-Kathmandu, Nepal, Kaveri College-Pune, India, and King Saud University-Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

The seminar is announced to bring the senior researchers and research practitioners whose contribution has been to explore, investigate and generate research-based concepts, approaches, knowledge, skills relating to the issues of achieving sustainable development goals from the role and perspective of sustainability discussed and also managed in the development of MSMEs at the local and national level in the developing countries.

The seminar will allow the participants attend to the deliveries, ask questions and get the research based answers to their queries which could be related to what and how MSMEs help achieving SDGs in the developing economies. The sessions will be addressed from the speakers who are truly international in their academic and research profile. Most specifically, research degree students, faculty and MSME practitioners or entrepreneurs are encouraged to join the seminar with the Zoom Link that will be provided later.

Looking forward to seeing the elite panels of researchers from different countries, our invitation to all the interested scholarly members who are the target groups whom we encourage to make the most out of this focused program herein announced for an open dissemination of research knowledge.

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